My Story
"There are two gifts we should give our children. One is roots. The other is wings." ~ Unknown
My Heart for Mothers & Children
"Parenthood is easy. Until you become a parent."
When I got pregnant some years ago, I read everything I can on pregnancy and parenting. I was determined to be the best parent. I was going to be the 'supermom', the 'tiger mom' if you will, as my friends would jokingly say.
Then I became Mom. As a stay-at-home mother, with no family support readily available to us, motherhood was nothing like what I imagined. I LOVE every second of being a mom to my very spirited toddler but boy, I was feeling depleted, isolated and resentful very quickly. I found myself 'fighting' often with a growing toddler despite my best efforts. The realities of my life and the immense pressures of caring for my child was the opposite of what I imagined our family life would be. Honestly, I felt like I've failed and it's not like I can just quit motherhood like I do with a job!

Truth is, my mind knows what to do but when I get triggered, everything I know flies right out the window and my emotions took over. I get frustrated with my child quickly, and often. I didn't like this mother I was becoming. I needed help. When I heard about conscious parenting and the science behind it, I took a leap of faith at the start of 2020. And I never looked back since.
Conscious parenting led me to do some deep inner work and it has been a tremendous personal journey. It has given me clarity in my own parenting and made major shifts in my family and in my relationship with my child. The depth of my own transformation inspired me to pivot my career into parent coaching, where I support parents and caregivers in their peaceful parenting journey. While I may be certified as a parent coach, my journey as a peaceful parent continues to evolve as I work on educating and reparenting myself daily.
I believe that parents can stay in the joy of parenting and children can fully flourish under that joy. When we root our children in an environment that is based on empathy, connection, mutual trust and unconditional love, they WILL take wings and fly to be leaders of their tomorrow. How amazing is that, and what a privilege it is to bear witness and be a part of! But first, we parents must unpack our own 'baggage' so our children do not have to carry it.
My heart as a mother draws me to want to support other mothers with parenting tools I know work, all within a safe and no-judgement space. I consider it my honor to journey with parents as they raise themselves to be the peaceful leaders in their families. You are most definitely not alone.
If you are curious to learn more, book a complimentary 30-min call with me. I'd love to hear your story.
Thank you for reading.
With you in parenting,

Sept 2024 [In Progress]: Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy 2024, The Embody Lab, USA
Aug 2024 [In Progress]: Certified Compassionate Listening Facilitator, Compassionate Listening Project, USA
Aug 2022: Certified Master Coach, Jai Institute for Parenting, USA
Jan 2021: Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator, Positive Discipline Association, USA
Oct 2020: Certified Parenting Coach, Jai Institute for Parenting, USA
Sept 2020: Orientation to Educational Neuroscience [Certificate of Achievement], Central Queensland University, Australia via FutureLearn.com
July 2020: Neuroplasticians and Neuromyths [Certificate of Achievement], Central Queensland University, Australia
via FutureLearn.com